PF/PCA Education
Marketing, public relations, project management, social media content creation, graphic design, and photography for a non-profit arts organization's visual arts schools and fellowship programs.
NY State of mind is a collection of personal essays, editorials, and imagery via 3 New Yorkers (me and my two best friends) who moved to other cities "but maintain a New York State of Mind regardless." The idea for the site was born out of multiple conversations between the three of us regarding the difficulties and epiphanies of making such a huge life change. While the narrative of the ex-New Yorker is practically a dedicated genre of writing, the vast majority of them aren't women of color nor is it presented as a shared experience amongst friends. We had a unique spin and I suggested we run with it.
The logo's concept is loosely based on the late, great MTA tokens. And the concept of the homepage is that of a quilt--every entry is represented by a photo. I utilized the jQuery Masonry library to achieve the cascading grid system.
Marketing, public relations, project management, social media content creation, graphic design, and photography for a non-profit arts organization's visual arts schools and fellowship programs.
Marketing, public relations, copywriting, social media content creation, graphic design, photography, and videography for an non-profit arts organization's cinema program.
Book jacket design and author photo for the debut memoir (Ecco/Harper Collins) by award-winning writer, editor, and satirist Damon Young.
Creative Direction, styling, photography, EP booklet design, UX/UI design, front end dev, and a custom Wordpress theme for singer/songwriter and Erykah Badu background vocalist Durand Bernarr.